So it's difficult to find the time to blog, but I will keep chipping at it. In case anyone wonders,
-There really is a lot more going on than I get a chance to blog about. I'm in a recovery phase, and the less time spent in front of a computer the better. I have spent 10 hours a day at a desk for a living for four years now, and that's stopping as soon as I figure out how. Maybe a book some day. Who knows? Will I ever get back to talking about meeting Phil Foglio or that douche merchant on ebay? Who can say?
-No, nobody wore a fur suit. There was a cute set of fuzzy ears, and a lot of collar and leash play, and woof woof noises, and some doing it like they do on the discovery channel, but it was in general just plain adorable. I supplied the petting and brushing.
-No, there isn't really a theme per se. But writing in English should be pithy, it should be funny, and it should teach you something.
-I've reverted back to my traditional name for this blog, not so much because I need the anonymity, but because others might. Every name in here is a pseudonym, and some of them are pseudonyms for a pseudonym. I don't really care about my anonymity at this point, and may never again, but some of the folks I'm meeting now are very young, and may not be out to their parents, and so on. People's lives can get destroyed by some of this stuff. Many interesting stories to tell, but not all in this venue, I think.
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