Saturday, July 12, 2008

Clumsy. Or, yeah, before stepping into mid-air, let's just make note of this moment...

So, I have LD's birthday party at 5, Then afterwards Lief is coming over for dinner and ?, Teak may be joining us if she's free, and on the tail end of that IM conversation, C innocently messaged and asked what I was doing tonight. I really hope that wasn't the sound of her vanilla crush finally smashing against the brick wall of how things are. Sigh. I like you, but I can only protect you from yourself so much, kiddo. I thought you'd gotten over that. I hope I'm just imagining things...

I'm worried enough - or precoccupied enough - with me, Lief, and Teak and how that's gonna play out. I think when two hungry hungry people sit down to dinner, it's hard to focus on planning the menu and waiting for your dining companion, rather than just diving headfirst into the buffet. And yet, here we are sitting down to dinner anyway.

Speaking of which, better stop by the drugstore...just in case. Lief is ravenous, after all.

Damn, this stuff is so very complicated. A function of the complexity of the personalities involved, I am sure, but still...

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