Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mr. Andersen, welcome back. We missed you.

Had a co-worker insult me to my face today, and frankly, I don't have to take that. I don't care how much experience you have; I've done the fucking legwork. Look, I've set things up the way I have set them up for a reason, and if you want me to change them, at least listen to my reasoning: because the fact is that I considered doing things your way, and rejected that approach, for actual reasons, and while you may disagree, I do have them. And if you won't let me finish a sentence of my explanation, say "I won't argue with you", and storm off calling me hopeless, all I can say is:

Enjoy doing it yourself, lady. In about...16 to 20 weeks. But I think you'll find that first step is a lu lu...and if you don't smarten the fuck up you'll find out a lot sooner.

Applied for PT/On Call at Large Public Library today. We will see.

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