Saturday, May 03, 2008

I Am Iron Man! (do do do do dooodooo do do do)

I saw it last night with JediSchoolDropout and his pal Dave, in a discount low-rent theatre on the east side, and what can I say? That was a fantastic movie. It's very hard to get a blockbuster to be that light on its feet, but the cast is excellent right down to the bit players, and the film is full of subtle nods, winks, and bright sparkly moments that make the whole thing a delight. When you get a movie that can get laughs out of the personality of inanimate objects, you've got something special. Jeff Bridges and Gwneth Paltrow are revelations, Robert Downey is charming in the role he was born to play, and the whole thing was just plain fun. (Okay, the origin stuff was grim, but that's kind of the point; and it works much better than the original, Vietnam era creation story).

After the show, we wandered about commercial drive with Dave, before meeting up with his blind date at what turned out to be a stealth vegan restaurant. JDS was pleased with the acting and the lack of condescesion to the material, as well as the screenwriter's ability to get the actors out of theior masks at the key moments. Dave was happy with the secret fanboyservice scene at the end of the credits, which writes a huge check for any potential sequel. But given how cocksure and charming Downey and Favreau were while beating the odds to get this one made right, why shouldn't they be able to pull it off?

And while the Onion hit it out of the park last week, it's nice to see that their fears were unfounded:

Wildly Popular 'Iron Man' Trailer To Be Adapted Into Full-Length Film

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