Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Shocked, Shocked, I say.

From Sybil Vane over at Bitch, Ph.d., an excerpt from Things I Learned While getting a Ph.d:

4) Academics are, on the whole, not as progressive as they fancy themselves.

Testify. You can also substitute "Baby Boomers" for Academics, or use "Baby Boomer Academics" as the square of the function.

On the plus side, I am constantly enjoying watching Generation Y making Boomer heads explode, a trend which shows no sign of abating. Watching people with poor self-knowledge get a reality pie in the face is one of life's little guilty pleasures.

Note: There are baby boomers whom the above doesn't apply to, of course. But as a demographic, sorry. The most influential leaders of the baby boom so far have been George Bush, Stephen Harper and the Clintons. Res ipsa loquitur.

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