Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Geez, it's early. 6AM shifts all this week. Chocolate cake left in the fridge for us, for some reason, though. Some fun from the polling station:

-The requirement for each voter to state their name and address, immediately after giving us their voter card with their name and address on it. (Of course, woe betide anyone who told us a different name and address--they would have to produce ID. oooooo)

-Several voters wondered why some voting procedures were different in the federal than the provincial election. This was particularly amusing when they were remembering things that so far as I know (and I worked that one too) didn't actually happen. e.g., "Why don't you have one of those automatic counting machines like they use in the provincial?" That would have been nice, to be sure, but I think you're imagining that, sir...

-Several angry voters demanding to know why the polling station wasn't in the usual place. Thanks for the ol' heads up, there, Elections Canada.

-Lots of funny voters who under any other circumstances I would have enjoyed joshing with.

-Amazing peoplewatching fun: numerous families, parents with little kids, and couples voting. Dozens of new Canadians from all over and at least six or seven languages spoken.

-Many occasions to use (sometimes with deep regret) the phrase "I'm not legally allowed to express an opinion on that until about 8 this evening." Much love goes out to one particular poor woman who was genuinely agonizing over who to choose.

-A complete lack of any appreciable morning rush, followed by extremely irregular spurts and starts of people. At one point we had a lineup of ten people at our station while the other four were empty.

-The young people voting for the first time.

-As we were situated in a church hall with a toy basketball hoop, little kids cccompanying their parents got to run around and shoot minature baskets. W00t!

-Tracking the progress of the family where everyone came to vote over the course of the day except for and I quote "the asshole watching TV".

-A crowd of polite and helpful scrutineers. I thought the Conservative and Liberal volunteers were going to come to handshakes and hugging by the end of the count.

-A really tight race in my poll, with a final margin of only three votes--and going counter to the eventual result, at that.

-A woman who came in to vote with her trained rabbit sitting on her shoulder...

...Followed immediately by a woman allergic to rabbits. Ah, democracy.

Line of the day:
me: "You can mark one X for one candidate"
voter:" "I don't want more than one!


Echomouse said...

LOL This was great. But really, Libs and Cons volunteers having a love in?? Get out - that didn't really almost happen... did it????? ;)

Wrye said...

I kid you not. At very least everyone was enthusiastic and polite. I did get a chuckle out of seeing one conservative scrutineer who showed up late in a ballcap and lumberjack shirt--and even moreso when I looked closer and realized he was asian. So much for stereotype!