Sunday, September 18, 2005

Tempus Fugit

It's been one of those fortnights where everything electronic and utility-oriented has been futzing, I'm afraid, (oh thank you, Shaw and Fido) and since I don't like to post from work, things have been quiet. At least I've got my phone working again...

News in brief:

1) The car is working nicely, thank you.

2) I'm currently sorting out some "miscellaneous" boxes that have become jumbled full of things-post Japan, Japan, Juanabees, Grad pictures (both grads), programs of shows I was in, programs of shows my friends were in, you name it. These are those stereotypical "last boxes to be packed" at the very end of a move where the box is the only thing available , so it inevitably shatters later and the items get mixed in another box, and so on, and...slowflowing chaos. Wrenching, wearying worktrying to sift it. And then I think about how I get to pack my life back up again in boxes in...9 or 10 months? Dee-lightful.

3)The family is well.

4)The cat is fascinated with our bathroom doin's. No, I have no idea why.

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