Saturday, October 11, 2008


I'm enjoying using my new livejournal, a requirement for joining the MVK board of directors. The posts there are simple, matter of fact. It feels more public somehow, which I suppose it is. This blog feels more like Memoir. I've never successfully kept a diary, but LJ seems easier somehow.

Wednesday was the first board meeting, Thursday was Jedi's birthday and meeting his new gal (I like her, and the Bettie Page 'do doesn't hurt either) and Friday was Elections Canada training followed by sending off a resume, followed by my Mac Dying.

So now I'm doing some wrap up at work, which is also my only computer access until my Mac is fixed, however long that will take. May go to the Island tomorrow for turkey with the niece. All so frustrating and strange. I must remember the old saw about how to eat an elephant: one bite at a time.

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