Friday, October 17, 2008

Almost There

So, almost wrapped at work, and almost have my obligations discharged. Funny, between being sick all week and being distracted with the election, thanksgiving, and friends (helpful and not) I've slowly chipped away at it and now have only a few final things to wrap. Have all my actual physical stuff home, including my "severence package" task chair, and I'm done with the dollie. So, tomorrow, just have to put the dollie in storage, hand in the keys and do a couple hours' worth of notes, and that will be that. Exept for applying for EI and triggering my credit card insurance. Tradition calls for a booze up. but hard to justify it, really.

The loans people sent another nastygram around for my Ex, which is distressing. I keep telling her to deal with this, talk to them or get her address changed, but she seems to be avoiding the issue. Went shopping for a Mountie hat yesterday, but the available ones are either children's sized or have the wrong shape. (I;m not paying 150 bucks for a stetson that's shaped like a hillbilly's hat, thanks all the same, hat shop owner who doesn't understand the difference between triangular and square corners) Luckily, I have a plan B.

So much to do. Not enough hours in the day. But I persevere. Almost there. Next week I'll be able to get into a steady rhythm of half-days job hunting, I hope.

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