Monday, September 29, 2008

Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies

Half the company has been laid off at a stroke. I feel strangely calm, under the circumstances. I guess your priorities just come into sharp focus at such a time. Why waste time feeling angry? I have things to do. The only galling bit was to be told (in effect) that I wasn't enough of a generalist. Five years of not being specialized enough, and now this. I'm employed until the 17th, but it's mainly in service of wrapping things up. Loose ends and such. Heh. At least I'll be able to retrieve my personal files and music off my machine. The company will be reeling for years. Oh well, as I've been saying since May, Not My Problem Any More.

I'll have UI, and references, and I'm not without resources. But still. That ol' iceberg sure showed up fast, didn't it?

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