Thursday, February 02, 2006

The bear in the campground just wants to play, but doesn't know its own strength

We got away clean yesterday, I'm dropping by tonight to grab some clothes and such--quick in and out, maybe a half hour tops. Gotta get back to the future in-laws' place before Survivor, after all.

Our cat is quite annoyed about the move (if only we could explain things to her) but she's been there before and it's really for the best. Also got word yesterday that one of our family cats on the island had died suddenly. She had been old, frail, sick and ill-tempered for a while, but...I miss her.

Suffice to say, for those who know this means, that she was David's cat. She was beautiful, playful, delicate, and charming company. I'll add her picture when I can.

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