Monday, January 23, 2006

October 17, 1991...

...that would be the last time I woke up angry at the leader of the free world and at living under Provincial and Federal governments fundamentally opposed to my ways of thinking. But...looks like things will be back to the 1980's for real come Tuesday morning. Republican president, check. Nitwit right winger Premier...check. Latest entry in the "worst Prime minister ever" competition? Come on down, Steve.


Echomouse said...

Same here. But as someone else said (it might have been you in comments at WMTC?), this may offer some good entertainment.

I want to see Stephen Harper start speaking and all his hidden b.s. tumble out of his mouth. I want to see him ripped apart, slowly, agonizingly, and as painfully as possible. I want to see that jerk subjected to all the disrespect and venom he deserves. Because Paul Martin did NOT deserve how he was scapegoated and I'm disgusted with Canadians for continuing to beat on him.

In the end, if Harper and the Cons last, Canada isn't my Canada anymore. I'll just be a Canadian who hates her country. Which will the first ever in my life and very sad.

Wrye said...

Now now, like Trudeau said, hate the game, not the playa. Or words to that effect. Harper was hardly the only or even the primary jerk dogpiling on Martin.

I do have a soft spot for the losers and scapegoats in Canadian history--Kim Campbell, Joe Clark, John Turner, Robert Stanfield, et al, and Martin deserves a lot of sympathy. The man I heard concede last night deserved a better chance and a better time. But don't forget how utterly ruthless he was in gaining the leadership, either--not all of it can be blamed on Chretien, by any means--so I think some of what we saw was just karma working itself out and a Liberal party weakened by all the bloodletting unable to rouse itself to truly fight.

I don't think they will last, if it is any comfort--and if it was only a matter of them, I wouldn't be worried. But these are dangerous times for the world, and there are other forces out there. There are those who want our experiment of a country to fail. Still Canada is stronger than many think--we've spent 250 years living alongside different people and *not* killing each other--and I think that experience will do us well in the long run. And besides--we use paper ballots.